Top 12 Anti aging Herbs for Glowing, Youthful skin
Authored by: Areeba |
Reviewed by: Sanyog Jain |
Estimated Reading Time: 13 minutes |
In the perception of Ayurveda, aging is not seen as a disease or something to be scorned. It is a natural and an inevitable advancement where the mind and body can remain healthy. Aging should not be a mere extension of the years of life. Rather, it should focus on improving the quality of life and self-dependency.
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The word for aging in ayurvedic scriptures is vardhakya, which means something which has become old by wearing out. Our deterioration of the body is based on the bad choices that we make in our daily lives. Where modern medicines only solve the problem temporarily along with several side effects. Ayurveda, aims at functioning at the roots and preventing the problems in the long run.
And though not all of them are necessarily applied topically, their adaptogenic effects on your entire body can indeed make some miraculous Anti aging Herbs for your Face. Let us today take a deep dive into Best
Top 12 Anti Aging Herbs
1. Ashwagandha
2. Gotu Kala
3. Holy Basil
4. Amla
5. Turmeric
6. Rosemary
7. Ginger
8. Cinnamon
9. Kumkumadi Tailam
10. Guduchi
11. Sage
12. Bakuchi
Anti aging herbs are natural plants that effectively reduce signs of aging by promoting overall health. They enhance the skin’s resilience, and combating inflammation from within.
Anti aging herbs are full of holistic benefits, they promote internal balance and reduce stress. They offer cellular regeneration and combats inflammation, leading to a more youthful appearance from within; rather than externally forcing the skin to adapt to a particular appearance. Natural Anti aging herbs are multifunctional in nature, they provide an overall benefit.
Ashwagandha also known as “the Indian Ginseng” is a herb that is classified as an adaptogen. Adaptogens are those herbs that reduce the ill-effects of stress on your mind and body, thereby standing perfect as an Anti aging herb for skin care just like Kumkumadi Tailam is the magical ayurvedic formulation for skincare.

Ashwagandha originates from the depths of Ayurveda and has been prescribed not just as an Anti aging supplement but for a range of multifaceted benefits. When it comes to the skin, Ashwagandha makes an amazing Anti aging herb for face and hair. It can prevent graying, reduce acne, tighten skin, and reduce signs of aging that you might have started noticing on your skin.
Apart from skincare, Ashwagandha is said to improve fertility, sharpen memory, improve cognitive function, lower blood pressure, treat arthritis, and much, much more.
The benefits of Ashwagandha can be extracted in the form of supplementary capsules or powder. you can freely add its powdered form to your favorite face packs. You can also purchase ayurvedic skincare products like face brightness creams and face serum for glowing skin that contain not just ashwagandha, but kumkumadi tailam, saffron and many more herbs.
Gotu Kola
Gotu Kola or the herb of longevity, thanks to the wide range of benefits it provides for your body and mind. Gotukola has round leaves that may appear to some people like little fans. The enzymes and nutrients in this herb can reduce the long-term effects of stress in your body, helping you reduce your fatigue, anxiety, and stress caused by daily hassles in general. It is especially known to have an effect on this neurotransmitter called “GABA” which is responsible for regulating the alertness of your Central Nervous System.

When it comes to aging, Gotu Kola makes an excellent Anti aging herb for the face as it is frequently associated with an increase in collagen production. Your face is the area of your skin that is the first to experience any external damage and aging, which is why it is important to protect and preserve it. An Anti aging herb for skincare like Gotu Kola is perfect for this purpose.
Gotukola can be consumed or applied to your skin & hair topically as it is available in the forms of capsules, powder, shampoos, ointments, and soaps in Ayurvedic markets!
Holy Basil (Tulsi)
Tulsi, the sacred medicinal herb in Indian households, is an Anti aging herb. The effectiveness of tulsi is the same as that of kumkumadi tailam and other herbs.
Did you know that the holy basil has actually been used as an extra ingredient in Ubtan by many in the years before we existed?
As a matter of fact, Tulsi is abundant in Vitamin A and other anti-aging ingredients. This makes it effective for reducing skin damage caused by the Sun, increasing collagen production in your skin, as well as improving the hydration levels in your skin. To reap the benefits of the Holy basil all you have to do is soak the leaves and turn them into a paste. You can add this to your regular face pack for glowing skin or simply use the leaves with honey or with kumkumadi tailam.

Consuming basil regularly may also help you with overall health issues such as reducing blood sugar levels and supporting cardiovascular health. Turns out, Tulsi is not just a holy goddess, but also a medicinal goddess!
Amla is a popular ingredient in beauty niche products and Ayurvedic health care products. If you have ever consumed an Amla fruit - you are aware of its charming sour taste. This sour taste of Amla comes from its abundance in Vitamin C and ascorbic acid - both of which serve to enable this fruit to give us many excellent youth-preserving benefits. The Amla herb is also filled with minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, and more, which increase your body’s resilience towards aging and harm. This is why Amla serves as an excellent antioxidant.
When it comes to being an Anti aging herb for skincare, Amla does not fall short on the race. It is hydrating, fights bacteria, exfoliating, and adds to your skin a radiant glow. You can use amla as an Anti aging herb for your face by adding some of its crushed pulp or juice with kumkumadi tailam into your face pack for glowing skin. Consuming Amla juice regularly can also do wonders for your skin & hair

Turmeric is quite possibly one of the best medicinal Anti aging herbs for skincare that mankind has ever discovered. It serves as a spice in all our households and dominates our food palettes. It has also dominated indigenous beauty secrets for centuries now, so how could we miss it when we speak about the best Anti aging herbs for the face?! Turmeric is a strong antioxidant that is ready to fight all free radicals on your skin along with troublesome bacteria, dirt, and oil. It is the ultimate key to having acne-free skin that glows as bright as the Sun. By preventing cell damage and healing scars on your skin, turmeric encourages cell growth in your skin, making it a perfect Anti aging agent for your facial skin! Did you know that Nalpamaradi Thailam is an ayurvedic skin brightening oil with Turmeric as one of the main ingredients.
To incorporate turmeric in your skincare just mix some amount of it to gram flour and rose face water to make a face pack. You can use it twice or thrice a week to preserve a youthful and clear skin. Furthermore, there are many ayurvedic skincare products in the market that contain turmeric along with other herbs such as saffron, kumkumadi tailam, sandalwood, etc.
Rosemary is a fragrant evergreen herb belonging and originating from the Mediterranean regions such as Italy, Egypt, France, and Greece. It is very popular in many European cuisines, especially Italian. Today, this herb is internationally acclaimed because of its rich flavor that makes all your dishes and even perfumes better. It is also very popular in skincare thanks to its antioxidant properties. In fact, rosemary oil is often recommended by skincare experts to people who wish to deal with early signs of aging.

This miraculous herb is often used in its leaf extract or essential oil form that we refer to as “rosemary oil”. It works as one of the best Anti aging herbs for skincare and is abundant in antibacterial and anti-acne properties that give you clear and blemish-free skin. This herb has proved to be effective in tightening loose and saggy skin - not just on the face, but on your arms and legs too! It also serves as an ingredient in several oils designed to reduce stretch marks as rosemary helps to speed up healing on your skin. You can use this ayurvedic oil by making it a part of your skincare routine or adding it to your regular face packs. Rosemary Oil for Hair is also considered extremely effective in controlling hair fall and promoting healthy hair.
Ginger may be too bitter of an herb for many, it’s true - but few things in the world are as effective in clearing a cough as good as a fresh cup of ginger tea does. Used for centuries in our Indian recipes, and Ayurvedic medicines that treat colds, coughs, fever, and so much more - Ginger has a special place in Indian culture. So why wouldn’t it have a special place in our Anti aging herbs for skincare?
Ginger is excellent at clearing up debris from our bodies, and the same thing happens when we use Ginger on our skin. It clears and kills bacteria on your skin to make sure you don’t have acne problems anymore. The herb has also, in recent years, proved to be involved in increasing collagen production - which enables it to tighten loose skin, get rid of fine lines, and ultimately preserve the radiance of your skin. Ginger can be used either by drinking ginger tea regularly or by making a juice to apply on the face for skin tightening and brightening.

Native to Southeast Asia and the African regions, cinnamon is a spice that the world has quite literally conquered and fought for. It is one of the commercial spices the British used to export from India to Britain. Cinnamon is a staple herb for most cuisines around here. Indians! You probably have some at your home right now. But did you know cinnamon also acts as an amazing Anti aging herb for skincare?
The spice is a natural antioxidant which is why it was often used as a medicinal ingredient in Ayurvedic concoctions. One of its key benefits is that when applied topically, cinnamon cleans and clears skin cells of dirt and bacteria swiftly! It is further effective in fighting fungi and enabling healing - which means it can treat both acne and acne scars in one go. In a recent study, it was found that cinnamon has an extract called “Ceylon” which is associated with collagen production.
When added to your diet Cinnamon supports better skin health. This spice is also available in a powdered version, in case you’d like to utilize it without having to use oils like kumkumadi tailam or any other oil that contains cinnamon oil. Cinnamon is also a great pain relieving herb.
Kumkumadi Tailam
Kumkumadi tailam or Kumkumadi oil is a beautiful ayurvedic formulation of herbs that acts as a multifunctional magical remedy for uplifting skin health and treating different types of skin issues. If you think of kumkumadi tailam as a beautifying agent, you are probably right. Kumkumadi Tailam has a foundation of self-care and wellbeing. Kumkumadi Tailam can also be used as a great moisturizer for the face and is ideal for the skin’s flakiness and dryness.
The Kumkumadi Tailam is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which supports Anti aging, wrinkles and other skin issues. This is what makes kumkumadi tailam an outstanding choice amongst Anti aging herbs for skincare. It provides protection against damage from dangerous UV rays, as well as free radical damage, effectively reducing tanning and delaying the signs of aging.
Kumkumadi tailam endlessly benefits the skin. You can use it as an anti-aging treatment and as a facial to give you glowing skin. Other phenomenal and instant benefits include the way it soothes and smooths skin. Additionally, kumkumadi tailam is known for retexturizing rough skin with its restoring and invigorating properties. Kumkumadi tailam herbs are available in several ayurvedic skincare products such as face cream for women and men, face serum, face scrub, ayurvedic face wash. You can use kumkumadi tailam in the day as well as the night.
Guduchi is a widely used plant in the medicinal system of ayurveda. It is an evergreen herb with leaves in the shape of a heart. Guduchi also called Giloy (A Hindu mythological term referring to the heavenly elixir that saved celestial beings from old age and kept them eternally young) has the following potential medicinal properties:
- Anti-diabetic
- Anti-inflammatory
- Anti-arthritic
- Antioxidant
- Anti-allergic
- Anti-stress
- Antimalarial
- Hepato-protective
Guduchi is abundant in ascorbic acid which can hydrate your skin while exfoliating it creating a youth-preserving effect on your skin. This is why Guduchi is considered one of the best Anti aging herbs for the face. It is also referred with the term amrita due to its ability to impart youthfulness, vitality and longevity.
Guduchi or Giloy is easily available in markets in juice and powder form. To make use of Guduchi you can either directly consume it (this will detox your skin from within) or topically apply it with rosewater as a face pack.
Sage is a member of the mint family and grows throughout the year. Thanks to its unique flavor and essential fragrance, sage is used in cuisines all around the world. The extracts of this plant are often converted into a concentrated essential oil that is used in fragrances, foods, and skincare essentials. The common sage is associated with several medical benefits such as treating nutrition deficiencies (it is loaded with nutrients such as Vitamin K, calcium, and iron), supporting oral health, and relieving pain (thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties).
As an essential oil sage is often used to treat chapped lips, and dry skin conditions such as eczema. Due to its soothing nature, it is able to relieve pain and rashes on the skin. Dry skin is often prone to damage, which leads to it aging poorly in the long run. By treating dry skin conditions the sage essential oil enables your skin to flourish and heal and thereby stay young. The herb is also rich in calcium and Vitamin A - ingredients that make your skin more resilient. This is what creates its place in the best Anti aging herbs for skincare.
Bakuchiol is extracted from the Babchi plant. It is an ayurvedic herb that prevents the visible age markers like fine lines, wrinkles and skin sag. Secondly, it protects the skin from free radicals and UV damage. For a sensitive skin type it supports anti-redness and for an acne prone skin it has antibacterial properties. It can also inhibit Melanin production which can reduce dark spots and fade pigmentation.
The Takeaway
You don’t have to compromise on your love for natural remedies and ingredients like Amla, Ashwagandha, Saga, Oregano, Cinamon, Ginger when you wish to preserve your youth and radiance. Forget the chemical treatments! Try out one of these amazing Anti aging herbs for skincare and for your overall health & longevity. Do however always look up the side effects of these herbs before going bananas over their usage. We hope these herbs add to the beautiful richness of your life.
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