Natural Ayurvedic Scrubs - The Secret to Bright & De-tanned Skin

Sep 15, 2022

Why is Scrubbing important?

 Estimated reading Time - 9 minutes


When we talk about skincare goals, the first thing that comes to mind is bright skin. Sure, we all want blemish-free, acne-free, smooth skin but what good would that be if it isn’t radiant and bright? So how does one achieve perfectly de-tanned and flawlessly bright skin? Is it as easy as it sounds? Or is it a mammoth task that continues to puzzle the skincare industry even now?

Well… we’re here to clear the confusion. Making your skin appear bright is a lot easier than it seems! All one needs is a trusty face scrub to exfoliate all the crusty dead skin away! Better yet, if your exfoliator is a Kumkumadi scrub, your skin will not stop thanking you! Now, what might that be? A kumkumadi brightening scrub is a type of face/body scrub that is enriched with the goodness of kumkumadi tailam, which gives the skin a smooth texture, flawless appearance and a glow brighter than the sun! Want to know more? Keep on reading!


What is Kumkumadi Scrub?

Scrubbing the skin with a gentle exfoliator is an extremely important part of one’s skincare regime. It should be done weekly to maintain the skin’s radiance and keep your epidermis healthy. A kumkumadi scrub is a natural ayurvedic scrub that delivers everything a chemical-based scrub does while being mild to the skin. Using kumkumadi brightening scrub has countless benefits and practically no side effects! Sounds like a deal too good to be true? Try it out yourself…


How Does Kumkumadi Scrub Brighten the Skin?

Okay, so you hear it everywhere “Kumkumadi scrub is great for skin brightening!” but how does it even work? The ingredients in this miracle concoction come straight from the ancient knowledge pot we now know as Ayurveda. The specific combination of natural ingredients is carefully put together and every single element comes together beautifully to make one’s skin ever-so-bright.


The primary brightening factor of the Kumkumadi scrub can be attributed to its fundamental ingredient i.e. kesar (saffron threads). Saffron is packed with antioxidants and is a miracle ingredient that repairs hyperpigmentation, improves one’s skin tone and adds a radiant glow to the skin. Using a kumkumadi scrub as directed regularly can bring the best out of your skin but its wonders don’t need waiting for multiple uses. One can reap the benefits of this scrub with a single wash.


How is Kumkumadi Scrub Better Than a Chemical Face Scrub?

We believe nature has all the answers and so, an ayurvedic face scrub is certainly heaps better than a chemical one but why? Here are some reasons that might inspire you to go natural:


Consistent Results - WHat you receive is what you shall keep. Simply put, continued usage with a kumkumadi brightening scrub won't randomly result in a different outcome for your skin. Every use will bring either the same or even better results for your skin. With a chemical scrub, on the other hand, you never know when it may stop suiting your skin. What worked once may break out the next time.


Works Overnight - Just one wash is enough to see a real visible difference in your skin pre & post-usage. With the chemical stuff, patience is often a virtue. You have to continue usage for months to see results and who knows how permanent these results are likely to be?


Suitable for All Skin Types - Seldom is an ayurvedic product not meant for everyone. Natural face scrub with the awesomeness of Kumkumadi is sure to suit all skin types. Whether your face produces oil like the middle east, is drier than the Thar desert or is a combination with a little bit of both like the sandy beaches of Goa, Ayurveda has got you covered! So no more worrying if the formulation is suitable for you…


Gentle to the Skin - The absence of any harsh chemicals and other complex scientific compounds ensures that your kumkumadi scrub is gentle on your skin. After all, who wants a scrub that completely strips the skin of its protective natural oils? Certainly not us!


No Side Effects - When has nature ever cheated us? Provided you’re not particularly allergic to an ingredient and given that you use your face scrub as directed, the chances of side effects or allergic reactions, as a result, are next to none. That’s not much of a guarantee with the chemical stuff, is it?


Straight from the secrets of Ayurveda - The advent of modern western sciences may have gained steady popularity in the past few centuries but that doesn’t take away from the fact that Ayurveda is the oldest and the most authentic science to have existed on our planet. It derives most of its remedies through nature and centers healing around the individual. Safe to say, wouldn’t you trust something that’s tried and tested over newer formulas that may change their trajectory in the future?


Can the Face Scrub Be Used to Remove Tan from the Body?

Yes. The jury may be out on some exfoliators but for the most part, face scrub can pretty much be used on the body. In fact, they’re better for removing tan than some soaps and creams. The skin on the human body is much thicker than the skin on the face. So, the only thing to be kept in mind while using a Kumkumadi scrub on the body is to use an appropriate amount such that it is actually able to remove the dirt, grime and foreign material from within your epidermis.

It is important to note that we do not recommend using a body scrub on the face. Scrubs formulated for usage on the body are a lot more coarse and rough in consistency and texture and can end up harming your skin a great deal if used on the face.


How to De-tan Using Kumkumadi Scrub?

For our melanin-rich beauties, getting that extra unwanted colour may seem difficult, but we promise it’s not rocket science. Here’s what you need to do to de-tan with a KUmkumadi scrub:

  • Use it on the concerning areas twice a week (once if your tan isn’t that severe).
  • Wet your skin with slightly warm water. The moisture and heat will help emulsify the scrub, allowing its properties to reach all the layers of your skin better. Apply the scrub to areas of concern and rub it in for a minute or two. Leave it on for 5 extra minutes for best results. Wash it off with lukewarm water and follow it up with kumkumadi face night cream and some kumkumadi tailam mixed with your lotion on the body. Be sure to apply sunscreen afterwards during the daytime.


What Are the Benefits of Using Kumkumadi Scrub?

You’ve been reading us rave about the Kumkumadi scrub. You must be curious, if it’s that amazing, what are some of its benefits? Find out right here:

  • Smooth Texture -  Though you can notice results almost immediately right after the first usage, we’re sure that continued usage at regular intervals is sure to give you the smoothest skin of your dreams.
  • Bright & Radiant Skin - The kumkumadi scrub is undeniably the quickest and most efficient, natural way of achieving, bright, flawless, and radiant skin that no amount of “no-makeup makeup” looks can give you!
  • Even Complexion - An even skin tone throughout the face is surely one of the most important skin goals we have and kumkumadi scrub helps us achieve that goal with ease.
  • Reduces Blemishes -  Talking about flawless skin, when used correctly, a Kumkumadi scrub can make your skin blemish-free so good that it’ll be as if those blemishes never even existed!
  • Tan Removal -  Even the best of the best mineral face washes and chemical exfoliants may fail you in the face of a stubborn tan. But, that tan stands no chance against the trusty Kumkumadi scrub!
  • Healthy Skin - Just like one needs to bathe every day to maintain hygiene and keep themself free of infections and diseases, exfoliating the face once a week with Kumkumadi scrub helps maintain your skin health.
  • Delayed Signs of Aging - The ingredients and texture of the Kumkumadi scrub allow it to stimulate the skin cells while improving blood circulation. This boosts the production of collagen in your skin and adds much-needed moisture to your epidermis. The result? The appearance of fine lines & wrinkles gets reduced and their onset gets delayed. What more could we ask for?


How to Make Kumkumadi Scrub at Home?

Getting a kumkumadi scrub from a trusted, ayurvedic brand would certainly be more convenient and time-saving but if you wish to save money or just prefer to use homemade DIY skincare, this recipe is for you!



Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of Kumkumadi Tailam, 1 tablespoon of Sugar, kumkumadi 1 ½ tablespoons of Besan (gram flour), 2 teaspoons of Honey and 1 teaspoon of Yoghurt (The quantities may be adjusted as per the amount you need).


Process: In a small, clean bowl, mix all of your ingredients till they’re combined properly. They should form a uniform consistency that’s partly smooth and partly gritty. Please ensure that all ingredients are fresh and free of preservatives.


Usage: Use the prepared DIY scrub at your preferred time. Wet the skin slightly and rub the scrub onto the skin in a circular motion with light pressure. Leave it on for 5 minutes, then wash off with lukewarm water and follow it up with a moisturiser of choice. We recommend using Kumkumadi cream for extra benefits. Repeat once a week.

**Note: Please do not store this scrub ahead of time. Because it uses preservative-free ingredients, it doesn’t have a shelf life. Once prepared, use it within a couple of hours.


Parting Note

Every now & then, the skincare industry sees a hysteric wave of praise and critique over new products but only the true test of time is able to tell whether a product is here to stay or not. Kumkumadi products were met with similar challenges and we’re fortunate that they stood out. The tantalizing mischiefs of the Kumkumadi scrub need no further explanation. Take our word for it and do your skin a favour. If you’re on the hunt for a no-nonsense Kumkumadi scrub free of any toxic chemicals, check out Blue Nectar’s Shubr Ayurvedic Kumkumadi Brightening Face Scrub. While you’re at it, recommend this blog to someone who might find it helpful and watch this space for more content on beauty and wellness… until next time!




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Shubhr Anti Aging Brightening Face Cream with Sandalwood Saffron (Men)

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