What are the benefits of ayurvedic herbs in body massage oil?

Role of Ayurvedic Herbs in Body Massage Oil 

 Estimated Reading Time- 9 minutes


With the fast pace at which the world works, the hustle and bustle of heavy workdays and seemingly never-ending stress, nothing relaxes a person more than a good body oil massage, the kind that strips away all the tension from one's mind and muscles. And said massage with oil benefits has the potential to improve infinitely if you add a body massage oil to the mix. The smooth, calming gliding sensation of the oil poses to be a pleasant contrast to the strong pressure releasing soreness from the body.

But apart from the comfort and relaxation that comes with this self-care practice, body oil massage benefits the person receives beyond stress is that it helps in the holistic health. It focuses on the mental well-being of an individual just as much as their physical health. And these body oil massage benefits stem from a variety of herbs whose qualities swirl deep into the concoction of massage oils. Want to know the importance of ayurvedic herbs in a good body massage oil? Keep reading to find out!

Masseuses' is giving massage to lady back

What are Body Massage Oils?

Suppose the rambles and praises in the wellness community around body oil massage benefits are anything to go by. In that case, the concept itself of gaining these benefits of oil massage on body is by no means overrated. But it makes one wonder… what’s so special about massage with oil benefits?

Nothing and everything in the same breath. Just as the name suggests, body massage oil are indeed oils created with the intention of them being used while giving someone a relaxing massage. Just like any other oil, massage with oil benefits on their own and while it wouldn’t be the worst thing to use a normal pint of oil, it would also not result in the best massage you can have. You wouldn’t purposely put some concentrated sesame oil into a plate of authentic Italian pasta, right? You’d obviously switch to olive oil. Similarly, while the laws of physics wouldn’t stop you from using some average hair oil on your body to help you relax but the step just won’t help as much.

In that sense, body oils intended for body massages are irreplaceable. Ask any masseuse/masseur, they’d tell you the same thing about the massage with oil benefits!

You cook with certain oils, nourish your hair with some and relax your body with others. It’s simple. However, what they lack in mystery, they make up for in a luxury. It can turn a simple at-home body massage into a luxurious spa experience with their heavenly fragrances and even better effects. Such are the body oil massage benefits

Why are Ayurvedic Herbs Added to Body Massage Oils?

Just as you need salt, spices and good technique to make food delicious, a good body massage oil, intended for therapeutic massages, needs the correct combination of herbs to extract plenty of goodness/ Most of the body oil massage benefits stem from the respective ingredients and herbs that grace the concoction of a body massage oil. These body massage with oil benefits range from, good scent, calming for the mind, relaxing for the body, and enchanting for the senses to pain relief, alleviating stress, reducing muscle soreness, and so much more…

lady is getting therapeutic upper back massage by masseuses

Herbs to look for in a Body Massage Oil - massage with oil Benefits

Alright, so you get the deal… when it comes, it comes to body oil massage benefits, the best way to reap them is by choosing a body massage oil that contains at least a few essential herbs and provides massage with oil benefits. Clueless as to what they are? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Take a look at the list below to see some of the herbs you should ideally look for in a body massage oil so that you’re sorted for your next purchase!

  1. Benefits of oil massage on body with Ashwagandha (Indian Ginseng) - This plant is an evergreen shrub that can be found all across Asia and some parts of Africa. Research suggests that the leaves of the ashwagandha plant contain properties that can reduce swelling, induce a calming sensation in the brain, help with high blood pressure and strengthen the immune system when ingested orally over time. The primary benefits, however, of this powerhouse of a herb amount to help with insomnia and stress relief from the entire body. So, it only seems natural that Indian ginseng, when concocted into a body oil massage benefits its users in the same way.
  2. Body oil massage benefits with Bala (Sida Cordifolia) - As the name suggests, this robust herb signifies strength like no other plant in the whirlpool of ayurvedic aushadhees. Bala strengthens bones when consumed safely and enhances muscles when applied topically, especially during massage with oil benefits. Though the plant’s health benefits stretch to improved respiratory health, reduced fatigue, cleared internal infections, etc. but one of our favourite body oil massage benefits from the plant is its ability to keep the skin healthy. Bala is practically packed with antioxidants that keep your skin looking young, radiant and flawless.
  3. Body oil massage benefits with Chameli (Jasmine- Commonly known as Jasmine in English, this floral shrub promises to be just as enchanting, enthralling and captivating as the popular princess. It smells heavenly and harnesses so much potential that no Ayurveda-revering person can stray too far from its wonders. The essential oil of the jasmine plant is extracted through a cold pressing process from the quintessential bright white flowers. This flower makes a frequent appearance in sessions of aromatherapy and is known for its ability to calm the mind and uplift the mood. Its essential oil also encompasses all of its antibacterial properties meaning when applied topically through a massage, it keeps away annoying infections, itching and pretty much everything else in between.
  4. Benefits of oil massage with Daruhaldi (Tree Turmeric) - Though its name suggests intoxication at its finest, this herb of Indian origin is nothing but pure. People tend to confuse it with turmeric roots that we normally use but the two plants are indeed different, and useful in their own rites… A good session of daruhaldi body oil massage benefits just about anyone who complains of frequent bodily dysfunction. Above that, tree turmeric  is an effective antiseptic and is a rich source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.
  5. Body oil massage benefits with Jatamansi (Spikenard) - Known as ‘tapaswani’ in Sanskrit, is a herbaceous plant that is like magic fodder for the brain. Its rich antioxidant properties allow it to improve a person’s memory and helps prevent ailments like Alziehmers, etc. According to Ayurveda, the vata dosha creates anxiety in the human body that pools around from one body part to another. This herb when applied topically extracts this anxiety and renders it useless in the environment. The medical importance of the small, thread-covered herb clearly suggests that body oil massage benefits received from a concoction concentrated with jatamansi certainly do better than one might think…
  6. Body oil massage benefits with Kooth (Indian Costus) - The phrase “looks are deceiving” appropriately describes this flowery herb. Kooth, a plant that’s authentically Indian and has been around since the inception of Ayurveda is a plant that looks ordinary but screams excellence through its properties. Bodily weakness, coughing & sneezing, frequent headaches… all can be gone with just this herb alone. Such is the power of Kooth. Body oil massage benefits received from the plant’s properties certainly outweigh its mildly funny name!
  7. Benefits of oil massage on body with Lakh Peepal (Sacred Fig) - Considered to be pious throughout the Indian subcontinent, the leaves of the peepal tree along with all the other parts are a powerhouse of medicinal value according to the ancient knowledge pot of Ayurveda. Although most of the plant’s merits reside in its ability to heal the human body internally, the few body oil massage benefits extracted from lakh peepal include healing and improving cracked heals, easing pain over sore muscles and the plant’s unidentified ability to brighten one’s complexion.
  8. Body oil massage benefits with Sendha Namak (Rock Salt) - Though not technically a herb, rock salt possesses many of the same qualities as a beloved ayurvedic herb and does not lack any lustre in its strife. Ayurvedic research suggests that one’s skin, improves texture, boosts collagen production, improves blood circulation and rejuvenates skin tissue. Body oil massage benefits from rock salt are truly endless. That’s a clear sign that this delicious addition to food is an equally amazing addition to massage oils.

Natural herbs like ginger, haldi etc with other massaging things are on cloth

Who can you use Body Massage Oils?

It may seem like the benefits of oil massage on body parts are reserved only for luxurious experiences at an expensive spa but that certainly isn’t the case. A therapeutic massage with oil benefits just about anybody who needs it, and maybe even those who don’t! So whether a person is old, a teenager or yet another millennial, the body oil massage benefits are never limited… apart from a few exceptions! Most body massage oils aren’t all that suitable for infants and toddlers and they’re not a very essential inventory item for adolescents.

Regardless of your age, it’s always a good idea to check the back of your oil bottle for a detailed description and a list of all the ingredients to make sure you’re not allergic to anything. Also, be sure to do a patch test before you fully commit to the product to avoid possibilities of side effects, though the likelihood of that happening is next to none if you opt for a good quality ayurvedic body massage oil

Final Takeaway

Body massage with oil benefits the body by deeply calming experience that brims with the potential to be relaxing and sensuous both at the same time. The concept of using body oil for this purpose is an ode to the pampering we deserve on a deeper level but often deprive ourselves of it. If you’re on the hunt for a good body massage oil that oozes pure luxury and harnesses the potential to relax you like no other, do check out Blue Nectar’s Balalakshadi Aromatic Sensuous Bath and Body Massage Oil. As expected, it’s great for a massage session but doubles as a spa experience if you add a few drops to your bath water. Additionally, if you're looking for a body massage with oil benefits that is primarily aimed at alleviating pain, take a look at Blue Nectar’s Devtvakadi Ayurvedic Pain Relief Oil. Don’t forget to recommend this blog to someone who might find it useful and watch this space for more content on beauty and wellness! Until next time…

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