What are #NaniWale Lessons?
Life is a long learning curve. While teachers, colleagues, friends, and even enemies all teach us, no one can teach us as much as our grandparents. They care the most about us and want the best for us. Life lessons from grandparents are precious and have helped us to become what we are today and going to be in future. #NaniwaleLesson is a tribute to our grandparents and to revive some of the forgotten gems that we have learned from them.
While we use the formula used by our Grandparents in Blue Nectar products, we are sure there are so many hidden gems yet to be unearthed. #NaniWaleLesson is an attempt to find & compile such ideas that could be used & reused by everyone.
We are sure you will find some of the products/ideas based on these lessons useful for your day-to-day lifestyle. If you'd like to share your #Naniwalelesson with others, please let us know and we'll be happy to listen & share.